Friday, June 12, 2009

Stage 3 - Looks like i gotta finish the fuel tank my self...

Remember this tank? Yes. The Kelisa's tank (RedGiants & ZacKapcai luorg jgn gelak ah?! hehe). Just arrived from Indon last night and shot straight to the workshop and guess what? Forget the pedals. Even this tank (which i helped in making the frame) wasn't welded yet.

2mrw, i will come again and do it my self. And believe me, u! I will deduct whatever cost incurred from this mechanic's upah. And i will find that ever elusive Ford Maxi Van pedals 2mrw myself and bring this %^&$%# mechanic to the "kedai potong" and make him show me the money that i gave him for the pedals.

Yeah. sorry (again). Coz i nagged (again). Hehehe

I go sleeping2 first ah Labi?

nk caghi pedal... nk caghi pedal... nk caghi peda..... huhuhu



  1. perghhh...
    timbul lg masalah...
    x per bro byk kan sabar...
    t dah keluar mesti grend punya....

  2. harap2nya g2 la bro Double v6 (v6 + v6 = W12?? hehehe).

    Tapi tank minyak dah siap dah. Kwn antr kat bengkel lain wat welding & alih inlet. Pastu kwn spray cat kat tank tu sendiri. Dh ensem dh tank tu. hehe

  3. sabau bro, dah kau pun area selatan, kaya dengan rojak petis, so kereta kau dirojakkan pun tak per, kami paham... body volvo, enjin SR20, polong bajang dari laut dan gunung, tangki minyak PERODUA KELISA, pedal kau amek jer pedal basikal tua perewel mati, huhuhu

  4. siottt! hahaha

    penat nk kayuh beb prewel mati...!

  5. kah kah kah...prewel mati ker.....
    time nak kayuh takper...time nak berenti ? larat ker nak tahan pedal....kete tu berat beb..ehehehe
    pelan pelan la....tapi mmg la menyirap sebab dah upah orang buat..lain ler kalau mmg tumpang kat workshop tapi nak buat sendiri....
    bestnye idup ko...dah la pi jalan jalan...pastu ada lagi masa welding tank..eheheheh...GOOD LUCK...

  6. cuba bayangkan rupa muka ZK menahan pedal prewel mati masa nk berentikan keta... kahahahaha
