Saturday, June 6, 2009

Stage 3 - Intake Manifold

It's finally arrived (almost 2 months after the banana. Wallauweh!)

Now that these two things are here, it's time to move on with something more serious. the intercooler and its piping. it's more serious because i only got little space. Huh...


  1. 4 troi-troi makan minyak mcm polong kan? tak berani gua nk pakai beb! hehe

  2. nak kuat kena labur kat situ ler... yg kau sarung ar60 tu tak polong ke? dah tahap bajang dah tu.. haha

  3. Itu belakon je beb... Bajang sarkis. Dah lama training, makan pun tak kuat dah.. huhu

  4. oooooooooooooooohhh, bajang sekolaaaahhhh.......
    biji nangka tak nak latih ke??? boleh jadikan hantu raya nanti.. muahamuahahaa
