Saturday, June 6, 2009

Stage 3- Intercooler

Original plan ; To use S13 original ic. Why? To save cost & to hide it from people's view (SR's ic is tiny). But then it has twisted inlet/outlet & cant be fitted without major chop chop..
I got an extra Evo2 ic (from my previous car) but itis too thick la pulak...

Finally, have to buy a custom made ic for this car. Mampuih den!


  1. masyuk maaa, apa ada hal?
    janji hati puas, tak payah keluar masuk bengkel 100tahun... hahahha

  2. Lu la mashyuk... Gua marhaen je beb.. hehehe

  3. masyuk apa nyer??? dah 2bulan kereta aku tersadai, semalam baru keluar bengkel. tu pun tak puas hati jugak, lower arm rosak pulak... hampehhhh
