Nissan Silvia S15 - Sekadar Gambar Hiasan coz S15 enjin dia "Bongkok". Mine is S13 red top.

Volvo Amazon - Also Sekadar Gambar Hiasan coz this VOX amazon is a "wagon". Mine is a sedan. Hehehe
VoSan SilAzon vs Veronica Vintage.
What the heck is that? Haha! it's the battle of names. This project is basically about the union of Swedish Body and Japanese Soul. I've been searching hi & low for similar project (so that i can copy! hehe) but to no avail. The first in the world? Sounds too ambitious & hopeful but still.... hehe
Back to the name thing. i've been calling this project as VoSan SilAzon (Volvo Amazon + Nissan Silvia. get it?). Until one day one of my tagged friends (nama, alamat takleh sebut... Nanti Pak Engku syg dia marah kat gua! hehe) suddenly popped up with 1 name : Veronica Vintage.
i mean, shoot! Of course Vosan SilAzon sounds funny but Veronica Vintage? Sounds sissy doesn't it? So we debated that each other's name was lame. But in the end, i lost the battle (hey, i was sick (uhuk! uhuk! hehe) that nite ok?).
Bottomline, The Project is now called Veronica Vintage (There! pueh hati kao Cikgu Zazza? Aisey! tersebut nama lak... sori Pak Engku! ahaks).
Tapi kalo ada nama2 yg lagi bagus given by aweks yg tak ada pak engkus masing2... why not? I'm ready to lose another battle. Huahahaha
overhauling volvo, nice job n nice handjob, hehehe...
ReplyDeletetu dia ic punya ler besau. macam tu ler baru gempak. nampak gempal sikit. wagon tu enjin apa?
Memang ler.. tak mampu nk ikut. Lagipun dia pny bay dh cincang habis beb. Dia pakai enjin Volvo T5 kalo tak silap. G/box dia supra.
ReplyDeletepergh, t5 tu... tu dah giler ubi gajah tu. lu punya kereta endos tak nanti?
ReplyDeleteEndos bro... Aku kan pemandu yang patuh undang2. Lebih2 lagi "undang"an berdating. hehehe
ReplyDeleteYe la... mana si ZM nih?
hey...Veronica Vintage seems modern n sophisticated..u shud go for that, huh..
ReplyDeletemy friends...(lalla,yayya,rarra, the 3rd from left,wewen,n mekja are with me..)they second da motion of bringing up the name to ur baby..huhuhuhahauaa....
(suara SY) : "alamak..! dah dtg dah...! dah dtg dahhhh!" hehehe
ReplyDeleteOk, uiks! ramainya kat situ?? Hi 3rd from the left... wink wink!
third from the left kate: sewel ke hape mamat nih??
ReplyDeletebuwekkk! hehehe
ReplyDeletelantai dah terbelah, chasis dah berjahit sana sini, boleh lepas endosment ke nanti?
ReplyDeleteawek dah masyuk, tapi silap teka orang pulak... hahaha
ada 3 pendapat :
ReplyDelete1. Firewall tak leh kacau langsung. hukumnya Haram & conversion tak sah.
2. Boleh potong firewall dalam keadaan terdesak (mcm aku) asalkan weld semula dengan cun2. Hukumnya Harus & bole endos.
3. Boleh potong Firewall & tak kisah mana rupa welding. Tapi hukumnya Makruh & boleh endos tapi "lulus bersyarat".
Harap2 dak puspakom yg chek keta aku tu mengikut Pendapat Mazhab no. 2 tu.
woohoooo.....vintage people is "ON AIR"