Sekadar Gambar Hiasan _ takde kena mengena dgn ini cerita. Hehehe
Do u guys remember that my mech promised me that the throttle-brake-clutch pedals would arrived yesterday? They didn't. actually this is not the first time this thing has happened. This pedals story has dragged for about a month now (since the day my ic piping fabrication completed).
That time, my mech asked for RM500 for the ic piping cost & to get the pedals (and the pedals, according to him is ready and available). I made the payment via cheque bcoz i realised long2 ago that for this particular mechanic, everything must be recorded & documented. huhuhu...
Once the payment made, his attention shifted to other cars, eventhough at that time my airflow piping still not done yet. Then do u guys remember the "air-flow piping incident" in my previous posting? the one that i made the measurement & sent for welding myself & get it don within 30 minutes? - Yes? Only that time i found out that the welder didn't get his money for the ic piping job.
And from then on, this pedals kept on eluding my poor mechanic. The excuse? The old, "barang tak complete la bro... Aku malas nk ambik barang tak complete nih, bukan apa, nanti kang ... bla... bla... bla..." Then, where did the money go and why did the welder didn't get his money for the job done? no need to answer la... hahaha
So, for today, i dont want to 'petir' him. I'm going to Bandung, Indonesia later today for two days. I will bising and corner him abut this matter when i come back. I will let u guys know how far his "bebual" will go. hahaha
By the way, this mechanic that i been refering to is NOT that "Adik" fella. "Adik" is only an employee there.
And now i think u guys have a rough idea why this project has been dragging for the last 9 months just for CONVERTING the engine (the original plan was two months, at most! "berbual" punya kaki.. hampeh!).
By the way, sorry guys. Didn't plan to whine in here. but i did. :(
what da shamed man...
ReplyDeletedon lets da bananas to fruit twisely... hahaha
zaman dah maju, dunia dah berubah, sarung ler pedal kelisa jer. custom made cantek punya...
yaa yaa..btol tu..
ReplyDeleteasalkan ada tiga pedal musti bole bedesup punya laa......
skrg ni ko sebijik macam movie " without a paddles" heheheheh
ZK, kena pakai pedal van Ford Maxi (gua tk penah tengok model nih). sebab takung minyk brek kena pindah ke dalam kabin. kononyalah...
ReplyDeleteRedGiants, "Without a Paddle?" yg ada awek bulu kaki lebat tu eh? Bueekkk!
ReplyDeleteErr.. tp ujung2 dia threesome kan? yummy... Hahahaha
takong minyak pindah dalam kabin? habis tu kalau hose bocor??? mandi minyak ler kau nanti.