Now, the turbine's steelbraided oil return hose is fitted and ready.
Turbine oil return hose (engine block inlet side).
Fuel cap and new rubber holder. (original wo... tak caya? Tengok bawah. hehee)
Rubber holder pny packet. ZK, kan gua dh cakap original.. hehehe
The freshly painted fuel tank, hoses, rubber holder & metal cap are in place and ready to serve.
This afternoon, i and adik has prepared a new steelbraided fuel line to be fitted between the fuel regulator & Fuel rail. It's ready but i didn't take the pics. May be, tomrw i'll snap it & upload it to this blog. ZK & DV6, mmg inzal lah kalo lu tengok itu hose... Yummy! hehe
By the way, no. the engine still cant be started. waaaaa...
perghh... tak tahan siot. semua yg berlubang dah tertutup selaput daranya. tin spray tu untuk apa? nitrous ke??? hahaha