Saturday, June 6, 2009

Stage 3 - Air Flow Incident (Losing Patience)

Where did the "NISSAN" go? ;)
i got the rocker cover painted blue with the "nissan" on it scrapped off. So, if you r not familiar with jap's engine, u wont know what engine this is. hehe

The HKS SQV is also fitted onto the ic piping...

Losing patience : this radiator hose is all me. I bought & custom fit it my self.

The air-flow piping is also all me. I bought the pipe, did the measurement & sent it for welding. So tired with excuses. I got it done within 30 minutes only.

Apexi Power Flow is now in place. :)


  1. blue kaler boleh tipu orang yg buta huruf jo..
    ni enjin sr20 TOMEI spec 2.2 kit...

  2. orang yg buta kaler jangan pulak kau nak tipu...
    sampai ke sudah dia akan cakap kau penipu!!! hahaha

  3. Ceh! kuang asem luh! hahaha
    banyak la lu pny TOMEI 2.2! hoho... standet gaban je jo..!

  4. standet gaban? blah lah luuu... dah macam2 toyol ada, lagi mau nyorok kaa???
